Robin Taylor Yoga

Yoga teacher based in Suffolk, UK.

I am a certified Ashtanga Vinyasa and Hatha Yoga teacher who has completed 400 hours of training in India.

I offer a range of experiences, from yoga classes in studios and gyms, to overseas retreats. There are classes for everybody, whether you are a beginner or experienced in yoga. If you would like more information about a class or retreat, please use the contact page to get in touch!

"I have been having one-to-one sessions for a couple of years now to help with mobility issues due to spinal damage and a diagnosis of primary progressive multiple sclerosis. I feel Robin makes a safe space for me to practise with my limited mobility which helps me relax and reset."

Justin, 49

"I have been attending Robin's yoga classes for 5 years now and they have really helped with my flexibility as frequent gym go-er who likes to skip stretches! Since starting Robin's classes, I have made so many improvements with my core and body strength that I wasn't making at the gym and my stress levels greatly reduce after each class! Would definitely recommend Robin's classes to anyone who has never tried yoga before, or is an experienced yoga attendee!"

Meg, 27

"I've been going to Robin's yoga classes for 2 years now and they have really helped with my mental health. Robin has taught me the importance of slowing down and listening to my own body which has massively reduced the anxiety I was experiencing. I now understand the calming aspects yoga provides and Robin is a very patient and welcoming instructor who put me at ease straight away. I would definitely recommend him!"

Freddy, 24